Place Of Prayer
Max Heindel
Ecclesia Healing Temple at Mount
Ecclesia is a picturesque spot
of nature grounds in Oceanside,
California (southern California)
and the location of the international
headquarters of a fraternal
and service organization called
The Rosicrucian Fellowship.
It is also the location of its
spiritual healing temple, called
"The Ecclesia", situated
upon the promontory of a high
Ecclesia was launched in October
28, 1911, through a ceremony
of ground-breaking which consisted
in planting a large Cross with
the initials C.R.C. — meaning
Christian Rose Cross, the Head
of the Rosicrucian Order — painted
in gilt letters on the three
upper ends and with a climbing
Healing Temple "The Ecclesia"
was erected, for the purpose
of affording more powerful means
for the healing of disease,
and dedicated on December 25,
1920. Spiritual Healing meetings
are held in this holy place
at a regular time each day by
the Probationers who have consecrated
their lives to this work.
its foundation, the Rosicrucian
Fellowship faithfully observes
the basic condition, set by
its founder Max Heindel, that
no price, membership dues or
fees, should be put on its teachings.
Mount Ecclesia's foundation
archetype, highest ideal or
mission, is to become a Spiritual
Center in the world, as an effort
"to unite and harmonize
each with the others by teaching
a religion that is both scientific
and artistic, and to gather
all churches into one great
Christian Brotherhood."
(Historical Notes: October 28,
1911 [1])
Landscape equilibrium
C.R.C., the Founder's Cross
Mount Ecclesia landscape, with its 24 man-made structures (23 buildings and the main entrance conic area), the lovely rose gardens and a luxuriant preserved vegetation — in the middle of one of the world's most expensive and intensive real estate development areas, in southern California — has become a paradigm of landscape equilibrium between the development of a built environment and the conservation of the natural environment.
In 1989, the restoration of Mount Ecclesia "old landmarks" and unreinforced masonry buildings was outlined. In order to comply with Oceanside's earthquake secure construction rules, effort is being made, dependent upon donations, to renovate and reinforce the structures.

Temple's architecture
As in all the solar temples, "The Ecclesia" portal is facing east (the rising sun). In front of the portal stand two palm trees. The portal is constituted by a triangle structure upon two round columns (pilasters), containing in the centre an equilateral triangle with the 'all-seeing-eye'. The columns fuse Greek and Roman styles, each one with a capital crowned by a finial globe. The round 12-sided building architecture is composed by round arches and narrow round inward windows. Its great dome is composed by a cupola crowned by a golden globe with a finial of lights. The inner portal and the Temple's interior is ornamented with alchemical and astrological symbols. It is a solar temple dedicated to the coming Age of Aquarius..
Board meeting on October 22nd, 2006
New Chairperson
fo the Board: Alexandra Porter
New President:
Renate Shomaker
New Vice-Presidente:
Luis Blanco
An agreement to end the
lawsuit filed to protect the land of Mount Ecclesia
from Alexandra Porter, PhD.
fo the Board of The Rosicrucian