A Place Of Prayer


by Max Heindel


The next point requiring consideration is the place of prayer;
this is of very vital importance for a reason not generally known
even among students of occultism; it is this. Every prayer, spoken
or unspoken, every song of praise, and every reading of parts of the
scriptures which teach or exhort, if done by a properly prepared
reader who loves and lives what he reads, brings down upon both the
worshiper and the place of worship an outpouring of spirit. This in
time an invisible church is built around the physical structure
which in the case of a devout congregation becomes so beautiful that
it transcends all imagination and defies description. Manson in
the "Servant in the House" gives us only the faintest glimpse of
what it is like when he tells the old Bishop:

"I am afraid you may not consider it an altogether substantial
concern. It has to be seen in a certain way under certain
conditions. Some people never see it at all. You must understand,
this is no dead pile of stones and unmeaning timber, it is a living
thing. When you enter it you hear sound, a sound as of some mighty
poem chanted. Listen long enough and you will learn that it is made
up of the beating of human hearts, of the nameless music of men's
souls; that is, if you have ears. If you have eyes, you will
presently see the church itself, a looming mystery of many shapes
and shadow leaping sheer from floor to dome, the work of no ordinary
builder. Its pillars go up like the brawny trunks of heroes; the
sweet human flesh of men and women is moulded about its bulwarks,
strong impregnable. The faces of little children laugh out from
every corner stone; the terrible spans and arches of it are the
joined hands of comrades, and up in the heights and spaces are
inscribed the numberless musings of all the dreamers in the world.
It is yet building, building, and built upon. Sometimes the work
goes forward in deep darkness--sometimes in blinding light- -now
beneath the burden of unutterable anguish, now to the tune of great
laughter and heroic shoutings like the cry of thunder. Sometimes in
the night time one may hear the tiny hammerings of comrades at work
in the dome, the comrades that have climbed ahead."

But this invisible edifice is not merely lovelier than a fair
palace in a poet's dream; it is as Manson says, a living thing,
vibrant with divine power of immense aid to the worshiper, for it
helps him in adjusting the tangled vibrations of the world which
permeate his aura when he enters a true "House of God" and to get
into the proper attitude of prayer. Then it helps him to lift
himself in aspiration tot he throne of divine grace, and to offer
there his praise and adoration which call forth from the Father a
new outpouring of the spirit in the loving response, "This is my
beloved son in whom I am well pleased."

Such a place of worship is essential to spiritual growth by
scientific prayer, and those who are fortunate enough to have access
to such a temple should always occupy the same place in it, for that
becomes permeated with their individual vibrations and they fit into
that environment more easily than anywhere else; consequently they
get better results there.

But such places are scarce, for a real sanctuary is required in
scientific prayer. No gossip or profane conversation may take place
in or near it for that spoils the vibrations; voices must be hushed
and the attitude reverent; each must bear in mind that he stands
upon holy ground and act accordingly, Therefore no place open to the
general public will answer.

Furthermore, the power of prayer increases enormously with each
additional worshiper.--The increase may be compared to geometrical
progression if the worshipers are properly attuned and trained in
collective prayer; the very opposite may result if they are not.

Perhaps an illustration may make the principle clear. Suppose a
number of musicians who have never played with others and who
perhaps are not very proficient in the use of their instruments,
were brought together and set to play in concert; it needs no very
keen imaginations to realize that their first attempts would be
marked by much discord, and were an amateur allowed to play with
them, or even with a finished orchestra, no matter how earnest and
how intense his desire, he would inevitably spoil their music.
Similar scientific conditions govern collective prayer; to be
effcacious participants must be equally well prepared as elucidated
under a previous heading; they must be attuned under harmonious
horoscopic influences. When a malefic in one nativity is on the
ascendant of another, those two cannot profit by praying together;
they may rule their stars and live in peace if they are developed
souls, but they lack the basic harmony which is absolutely essential
in collective prayer. Initiation removes this barrier but nothing
else can.

from The Web of Destiny



A Sane Mind, A Soft Heart, A Sound Body




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